2023-08-03 11:01:12 来源 : 羊城派
Located on the northern bank of West Lake, Zhuwu Lane in Huizhou is not just an ordinary alley but a reflection of history. Since the launch of the Zhuwu Lane cultural and creative block project in 2016, this once-dilapidated old neighborhood, which had witnessed changes over time, has undergone a remarkable transformation. It has evolved into a new cultural district that combines creative shops, delectable cuisine, and unique guesthouses, becoming a popular destination for tourists seeking trendy spots to capture memorable photos. Although its appearance has changed significantly from the past, the rich historical and cultural heritage of Zhuwu Lane creates a serene and leisurely atmosphere, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the charm of its ancient past and vibrant present.
位于西湖北畔的惠州祝屋巷,不仅是一条小巷,更是一段历史的缩影。自2016年祝屋巷文创街区项目推进以来,曾历经时代变迁而残旧斑驳的老街区,蜕变成为了集文创商铺、美食美景、特色民宿于一体的新型文化街区,也是受到许多游客追捧和喜爱的网红打卡地。虽然样貌与从前大相径庭,但其丰厚的历史文化底蕴营造了祝屋巷悠然自得、闲情逸致的文化氛围,让人感受到岁月的沧桑与生生不息的活力。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)
文、图、视频 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 杨锦强 实习生 褚思烨 项子倩 通讯员 王小虎
来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派责编 | 戚美青